
Bus Shelter Design

One assignment I have my Tech Design students do in grade 12 is to design a futuristic bus shelter for the town we live in.

They do design sketches and preliminary research on existing bus shelter design. Their design must meet a set of requirements including fitting within a set footprint as well as allow for payment options other than cash or tokens to the driver.

Final designs are modeled in Sketch-up and are then presented to the class via projector.

It's a fun assignment which stretches their creativity while using something they are familiar with.

I've included example images of one of the better presented designs.


Welcome to Mr. Sterken's Class Blog!!!

I've created this blog as a way to share what goes on in my Technological and Interior Design classes. I want to showcase student work, share links to interesting subject related sites and communicate with students, parents, teachers and anyone who is interested.

This is my first experience with blogging and am not sure how it will go, if I will like it, or if I have the time required to do a blog justice.

I will take it one day at a time and post when and what I see fit to share.